Biography of Christine Jorgensen (1926-1989)

 Biography of Christine Jorgensen

  Christine Jorgensen, an American transgender woman, made headlines in the early 1950s for undergoing sexual reconstruction surgery.

  Who is Christine Jorgensen?

  In the early 1950s, Christine Jர்கrgensen became widely known in the United States for sex reassignment surgery and the transition from male to female.  He told his story to the press for a fee and then created a nightclub frame.  Jorgensen retired to Southern California in the early 1970s and died in 1989 of bladder and lung cancer.

  Early life

  Georgenson George William Jorgensen, Jr. was born on May 30, 1926, in the Bronx, New York.  At a young age, Jorgensen learned that she was identified as a woman.  She hated boys' clothes and wondered why her clothes were so different from the beautiful dresses of her older sister Dorothy, she wrote in American Weekly in 1953.

  As a teenager, Jorgensen said he felt "lost between the sexes."  She was more jealous than interested in women.  By the end of high school, Jorgensen found a diversion from his personal struggle - photography.  His father was an amateur photographer and the two set up a dark room in the house.  He also took classes at the New York Institute of Photography.

  Decision to switch to woman

  When he enlisted in the Army in 1945, Jorgensen had to put aside his interest in photography.  Being small and somewhat built, he worked as a clerk at Fort Dix in New Jersey.  After being discharged in 1946, Jorgensen suffocated for a while before deciding to switch to a woman.

  In 1950, Jர்கrgensen moved to Denmark and began converting from male to female.  This treatment, which was only available in Europe at the time, included hormone therapy and many other activities.  In 1952, while he was in Copenhagen Hospital, he made big news in the United States.  Attention-grabbing Jorgensen had to deal with headlines like "Bronx 'Boy' is now a girl" and "Dear Mom and Dad, son wrote, now your daughter"


  Returning to the United States in 1953, Jorgensen met a sea of ​​reporters at a New York airport.  After answering some questions, she said, "Thanks to everyone who came, but I think it's too much."  The newly famous Jorgensen told his story to the American Weekly for a fee.  He also created a nightclub action, and later said, "I decided that if they wanted to see me, they would pay for it," The New York Times says.  In her performance she often sang "I'm a woman."

  Although he never questioned his choice, Jorkenson was ridiculed by many members of the public and the media for not understanding.  The government is not even ready to fully recognize her as a woman.  In 1959, she announced that she was engaged, but her marriage certificate was denied because her birth certificate listed her as "male".

  While some rejected her, others found her engaging and sexy.  With the show, he became a well-known lecturer and author of the 1967 Christine Jorgensen: A Personal Biography.  His life even made the big screen in the 1970s The Christine Jorgensen story.

  Legacy and death

  Jorgensen retired to Southern California in the early 1970s.  On May 3, 1989, he died of bladder and lung cancer.  Jorgensen's transformation from male to female started a national debate about gender identity, and his story is an inspiring example to others experiencing gender dysphoria.
